Condo Fees
Make your check payable to: The Renaissance I Association, Inc.
Please include your unit number on the check, enclose the coupon for proper crediting to your account, and mail it to:
Renaissance I Association
PO Box 48988
Sarasota, FL 34230
Please don’t send correspondence to this address.
If you have questions, please contact the administrative office – (941) 957-3957.
Air conditioning
Each apartment has an air handling unit. There is a filter which you should change every one to two months (available at many retail outlets such as hardware stores, Walmart, etc.). Use a corrugated style rather then the flat, fiberglass variety, since they are much more efficient and have greater filtering surface. The size (in inches) is written on the side of the filter.
Since there are no return air ducts in your apartment, the air handler fan draws all the unconditioned air from your apartment through the louvered door to the utility closet or louvers located in the closet wall. Do not block the door or the louvers, and if your louvers are adjustable, make sure that they are opened fully. Noise from the fan can be silenced somewhat by placing sound deadening material on the walls of the utility closet, but do not block the louvers. Make certain that the deadening material is non-combustible and rigidly attached.
Note: the owner is responsible for all repairs to the HVAC system. Parts and labor can be expensive; therefore, a service policy is recommended.
The condensation pan below your air handler can accumulate water if the condensate line is clogged. If the flow switch is missing from your air handler or malfunctioning, the water can overflow causing damage to your unit and to those below and around yours. You will be financially responsible for any damage caused. Having your unit serviced regularly can prevent this sort of damage, as well as prolong the life of your A/C unit. Consider placing a water alarm near the condensation pan to detect a leak before it becomes a problem.
Maintenance and Repairs
Owners must make arrangements with an outside service provider for most repairs needed in your unit. If you are a tenant or are the guest of the owner you must inform the owner or the owner’s agent of the maintenance problem. They will make the necessary arrangements. Only hire appropriately insured and, where applicable, licensed contractors.
If you want to report a common element item that needs repair or housekeeping attention, please call the front desk.
Internet & Cable TV Services
Each apartment is wired for cable TV and telephone. Internet access can be arranged by you through the cable provider Comcast or Frontier for a monthly fee paid by the resident.
WiFi access is available in the Business Center and Media Room on the first floor.
Basic cable TV is provided at no additional charge to residents through Frontier. You must set up an account with Frontier. Frontier can be reached at 844-660-0648.If you desire additional cable services (pay channels or movie channels), please contact Frontier and make your own arrangements. These services will be at the user’s expense.
Water & Sewer Costs
The cost for these services is included in the association fees. Everyone strives to save water to help keep bills low. Immediately repairing leaks is essential.
Pool and Spa Heaters
Both the pool and spa are heated. The heaters use natural gas.
Stove Range Hood Venting
The stove range hood fan draws cooking odors through a two-element filter and discharges the filtered air back in the kitchen. Changing the filters is the responsibility of the resident. There is no connection or venting to the outside.
NO – Apartment smoke detectors DO NOT sound an alarm outside your apartment
and they DO NOT notify the fire department or summon help.
The Renaissance fire alarm system is “intelligent,” which means that it tailors alarms according to the nature and extent of the emergency condition. If fire or smoke is detected in the common areas, in a hallway, or if a fire pull-station has been activated, an alarm will sound on that floor, one floor below, and two floors above. If fire or smoke spreads to one or more additional floors, alarms will automatically sound on those affected floors and two floors above. All areas of the building are equipped with automatic fire sprinklers. If a sprinkler head senses heat from a fire, the sprinkler will be activated and an alarm will sound in the common area hallway and inside all apartments on that floor, one floor below, and two floors above. Please note that the smoke detectors in each apartment only detect smoke or the products of combustion inside your unit. In the event there is smoke from cooking in your home, do not open the unit door for ventilation. Doing so will set off the alarm and the fire department will be summoned. You should open your sliding door. The person causing that problem will be billed for resulting charges from the fire department.
Apartment smoke detectors are designed to alert you to the possibility of a smoke condition inside your apartment so that you can determine if there is an actual emergency, in which case you should vacate your unit (closing the door behind you), and activate a hallway fire pull-station box that sounds an alarm and notifies the fire department. You should then immediately exit the building by one of the two stairways. Be sure to determine the location of the red hallway fire pull-stations now so you will know where they are and can use them without delay in a fire emergency. Hallway fire pull boxes are for FIRE emergencies only. For any other life-threatening emergency you should use your telephone to dial 911.
NO – Apartment smoke detectors DO NOT sound an alarm outside your apartment
and they DO NOT notify the fire department or summon help.
The Renaissance fire alarm system is “intelligent,” which means that it tailors alarms according to the nature and extent of the emergency condition. If fire or smoke is detected in the common areas, in a hallway, or if a fire pull-station has been activated, an alarm will sound on that floor, one floor below, and two floors above. If fire or smoke spreads to one or more additional floors, alarms will automatically sound on those affected floors and two floors above. All areas of the building are equipped with automatic fire sprinklers. If a sprinkler head senses heat from a fire, the sprinkler will be activated and an alarm will sound in the common area hallway and inside all apartments on that floor, one floor below, and two floors above. Please note that the smoke detectors in each apartment only detect smoke or the products of combustion inside your unit. In the event there is smoke from cooking in your home, do not open the unit door for ventilation. Doing so will set off the alarm and the fire department will be summoned. You should open your sliding door. The person causing that problem will be billed for resulting charges from the fire department.
Apartment smoke detectors are designed to alert you to the possibility of a smoke condition inside your apartment so that you can determine if there is an actual emergency, in which case you should vacate your unit (closing the door behind you), and activate a hallway fire pull-station box that sounds an alarm and notifies the fire department. You should then immediately exit the building by one of the two stairways. Be sure to determine the location of the red hallway fire pull-stations now so you will know where they are and can use them without delay in a fire emergency. Hallway fire pull boxes are for FIRE emergencies only. For any other life-threatening emergency you should use your telephone to dial 911.
Balcony Furniture Storage While You Are Away and During Storm Season
If you will be away from the Renaissance for a length of time and especially during the summer hurricane season, you must remove everything from your balcony so that the items do not become airborne and cause damage to your property or the property of others in the event of high winds.
Building staff will be very busy taking precautions to protect the building and peripheral facilities when a hurricane is predicted. They will not be able to assist you in moving your furniture items indoors. Early preventive action by you is very important.
Unit Keys
Condo rules and Florida Statutes require that the Association keep a key to all apartment door locks. This is necessary for the orderly operation and maintenance of the building by staff and authorized contractors, who may need immediate access to your apartment when you are not at home. Contractors not hired by you are always accompanied by a Renaissance employee and your key is protected in a locked box which is in a locked room and is not routinely issued to anyone. You change your own lock, per Florida Statutes, you must provide a working copy of the key to the management office.
So how do you maintain your privacy while you are in your apartment and management needs to enter your unit? Normally, they will knock first, but if you don’t hear the knock, they could unlock your door, loudly announce their presence, and enter. In this case your privacy could be compromised. To prevent this from occurring, you can install an inside privacy latch or chain so that your door cannot be opened from the outside when you are home. (Not sure the wording that should be used but I think this should be updated)
Mail Delivery and Package Delivery
Each resident has a locked, numbered mailbox in the mail alcove just inside the second floor parking deck entry door. There is an outgoing mail slot you can use to mail letters in the mail alcove. If you receive a package that is too large for your mailbox, you will find a key in your box with a tag marked with a number of one of the larger package boxes. Use the key to open that box and retrieve your package. Packages delivered by other carriers will be accepted at the lobby desk. You will be notified of the delivery.
Mail addressed to you must include your unit number as a conspicuous part of the address, since it is used by the mail person to locate your mailbox. The arbitrary number on the front of your mailbox is just for you to identify your box and it is not used by the Postal Service delivery person to sort your mail.
Renaissance employees cannot access the delivery side of the mail room. Visit the Postal Service web site for additional assistance and services.
Children in the Spa
Per the Florida State Health Department, no children under 16 are permitted in a spa. Our pool service technician suggests that it is “catastrophically dangerous” for any child under 16 to use the spa, regardless of whether they are under the supervision of an adult. Please observe and follow the posted pool and spa rules.
Gas Grill
The gas grill located on the pool patio is available to all residents. The required hardware, a gas key and wrench, is available at the Concierge’s desk. You must sign out the tools required to utilize the grill. A specific time of use can be scheduled with the front desk personnel
Common sense, cooperation, and courtesy rules should be observed when other residents are waiting to use the grill. If you are not familiar with how the grill works, please ask a staff member to demonstrate proper operation. Children are not permitted to operate the grill, which is a potentially dangerous natural gas appliance. Please remember to burn the grills at full heat for five minutes with the hood open after cooking is finished in order to help incinerate grease and food deposits, and then carefully turn the gas off to each burner.
Users must cleanup, dispose of all trash, cleaning all adjacent work surfaces, and clean grates using the provided grill brush. . After cleaning is complete, close the lids. Staff will do a thorough cleaning of the drip pan, etc., as necessary.
Please leave the grill in the same condition in which you would like to find it. Your neighbors will appreciate your courtesy.
Is not encouraged at the Renaissance. Each year, in December, a few residents sponsor an Employees’ Holiday Fund solicitation. Residents may make a voluntary contribution to this year-end fund that is shared by all employees of the Condominium Association and the security staff. The Association recommends that you show your appreciation to our employees each year during the holiday season by making a contribution to the Renaissance Employees’ Holiday Fund. But for general “thank you” considerations,
Door Mats
Door mats are not permitted in the hallways of the Renaissance. Halls are a part of the common elements and personal doormats of any kind cannot be used. Besides being in violation of the Condominium Rules as they apply to the common elements, personal doormats can be a hallway trip hazard, and they tend to disrupt the work of housekeeping staff when they vacuum hallway carpeting
Guest Suites
There are two guest suites located on the first floor which can be rented at a daily rate. Reservations are on a first-come basis and may only be made by the current resident who is in residence. Homeowners who have tenants in their unit may not use the facilities.
Channeling or Drilling Floors or Ceilings
Check with the Community Manager before you, or your contractor, ever consider breaking the surface of any concrete floor or ceiling in the Renaissance. Concrete floors in the Renaissance were constructed using post tensioned concrete and do not contain traditional steel reinforcing bars (“rebar”). Steel cables are embedded in the concrete and after it cures the cables are tensioned under very high pressure. This is what gives the floors their strength. If anything cuts or nicks the tensioned cable (for example, a drill or tool bit, screws, pneumatic chisel) the cable could snap and the cut ends whip violently out of the concrete with tremendous force, destroying just about anything in their path. In addition to the obvious personal safety concern if you or your contractor is responsible for causing a break in a concrete post tensioning cable you will be held financially responsible for any resulting damage to life or property. The costs of which will be staggering.
Metal panel along bottom of sliding balcony door opening
The metal door panel is a water barrier designed to restrain and contain wind-blown water during storms and hurricanes. Regardless of how well the sliding door was designed, very strong winds can force rainwater under the slider and into your apartment. The three-inch vertical metal panel along the base of the balcony window unit forms a dam that restrains and contains wind-blown water and prevents flooding in your apartment. While they may be inconvenient and take getting used to, the panels are a critical window design element and may not be removed or modified in any way. Please read more about these panels at this link: click here
Carpeted Patio Deck
Indoor or outdoor carpeting of any kind is not permitted on the balcony decks at the Renaissance. On the recommendation of the waterproofing contractor patio decks (whether they are finished concrete or optional tile or stone) must never be covered with any temporary or permanent fabric or carpeting material. Fabric floor covering traps and holds moisture and can, over time, be destructive to the structural integrity of the deck.
Also, if you use an independent contractor to install tile on your patio please be sure to complete an Architectural packet (click here, insert link to form) and submit it to the Architectural committee for approval before beginning work. A special caulk must be reapplied once the tile is installed to prevent water intrusion.
Notary Public Service
The Renaissance Building Administrative Assistant is a Notary and can witness documents for you. A nominal fee applies. Call for an appointment at (941) 957-3957
Unit Inspections While You Are Away
If you plan to be absent for a week or more, consider signing up for a home watch service. Search the internet for qualified providers. As a reminder, be sure to ask for their credentials. Any company that you use for your home watch should be licensed and insured. Please inform management of whom you’ve hire to provide this service for you.
Pool Chemical Balance and Sanitization
The pool and spa are checked for correct water balance and proper sanitization every day. Three times a week a professional pool service technician attends to cleaning the pool and spa and checking equipment, as well as testing chemical levels. The pool and spa each have separate filter systems. The spa does not share its water supply with the pool; spa water is recirculated through its own heater and filter system.
Periodic Preventive Apartment Maintenance
Alarms: In unit smoke detectors need to have their batteries replaced yearly.
Can I hire Association employees to help me?
Renaissance employees are not permitted to perform personal services for owners or residents during normal duty hours. If you make private arrangements with an Association employee to perform a service during his or her off-duty time you will compensate the employee as each of you agrees for the task that was performed.
Because of the damp, tropical climate, Florida homeowners need to be aware that pests and insects can invade their home if given the slightest opportunity. Condominium buildings have the same problem, further complicated because of the large number of people who are living together within a relatively small space. Encroachment by roaches, water bugs, rodents, or other undesirable pests can quickly infest an entire building. The need for preventive measures is critical. For those reasons, the Renaissance I Association has a contract with a pest control company to treat the first floor common elements, the building perimeter and the refuse room on each floor.
If you have questions about the pest control program, you may call the Community Manager who will provide additional information (941) 957-3957.
Home improvement projects must be approved by the Architecture Review Committee and the Board of Directors. Typically, those projects that will require the services of a professional will be reviewed by the committee and the Board. Complete the application form, submit it along with specifications and drawings. Provide your contractor a copy of the Home Improvements Rules. A $500.00 deposit is required for all projects. Once the project is approved, please make certain the management office is aware of the dates of the project. If the loading dock and service elevator will be required for your contractor to carry building supplies and materials in and out, this must be scheduled with reception or the admin office.
The Renaissance windows and sliding glass doors were designed to survive wind in excess of 100 miles per hour. Nevertheless, some residents might be concerned about wind-blown debris that could break a window or patio door. The Renaissance I Association does not necessarily recommend any window shutters, panels or films. But since the Florida Condominium Statute addresses storm shutters and permits condominium Boards of Director to promulgate storm shutter standards, the Renaissance I Board of Directors has passed a resolution mandating that all storm shutters and window films must conform with the Renaissance I Storm Shutter Specifications. You can view a version of the document below:
Window hurricane films are professionally bonded directly to the inside surface of window glass. If a foreign object hits a film-protected window and breaks it, the window glass theoretically will not shatter and fall away, but will be held together by the plastic film, maintaining the watertight integrity of the window and probably preventing wind and rain from entering the premises. Of interest, taping of windows with duct tape or masking tape is no longer recommended by storm preparedness experts. In addition, these tapes are affected by UV solar radiation, which can quickly bond the adhesive to the glass, making it extremely difficult to remove the residue completely.
Some Renaissance I residents have installed approved hurricane film on the inside of their windows. Please be aware that any window film must be absolutely clear and may not impart a hue, color, or reflective coating. The Building Manager can help you to find vendors that have installed window film that meets Renaissance I design standards. In 2002, some small samples of hurricane film were installed in the catering kitchen and the Club Room. See the Renaissance I Storm Shutter Specifications document for further details about the Renaissance I window film standard.
Hurricane shutters are also sometimes installed over windows to prevent wind and rain from entering a broken window or door during a hurricane. Generally, the higher up in a building your apartment is located, the less likely that your windows will be hit by an object large enough to break the glass. Balcony railings also provide a measure of protection from large flying objects in a storm. Window shutters may not necessarily protect against water intrusion through a broken or damaged window, but may offer a level of confidence to lower-level residents that wind-blown debris or falling trees will not break a window. As this is written, no owners of units in the Renaissance I condominium have found it necessary to install storm shutters.
Because of the fragile exterior façade of the Renaissance I building, approved hurricane shutters are only permitted on windows and doors that are readily accessible from an adjacent balcony or patio. Windows that are not accessible from a balcony may nothave outside shutters or storm panels. Installation restrictions are very specific and do not permit any penetration of the finished facade of the building because of concerns about water intrusion. The alternative to storm shutters is either hurricane film, inside storm panels, inside shutters, or reliance on the integrity of the Renaissance windows which were designed to meet wind loads in excess of 100 miles per hour.
In summary, the Renaissance I Association does not recommend any specific vendors or brands of window films or storm shutters, makes no claim that shutters or films will or will not protect your premises in a storm, and encourages you to perform your own due diligence before committing to the installation of storm shutters or window films. If you choose to install protective devices on your windows they must be approved in advance by the Renaissance I Association and conform with Renaissance I Storm Shutter Specifications, viewable below:
Two general types of hurricane shutters are addressed in this Renaissance I Condominium Hurricane Shutter Specification: shutters that cover relatively inaccessible fixed windows (those that cannot be installed, inspected or serviced without scaffolding or other temporary exterior rigging equipment); and shutters that cover fixed and movable (slider) doors and windows that are directly accessible from balconies and patios for installation and maintenance. Hurricane window film standards are also included in this specification.
The terms “storm shutter,” “storm panel” and “hurricane shutter” are used interchangeably throughout this specification.
Hurricane shutters may only be attached on the INSIDE of fixed, inaccessible windows (that is, windows not accessible from a directly adjacent balcony or terrace) because of the technical problems associated with rigidly attaching frame and shutter hardware to the exterior of the building without seriously compromising the structural and watertight integrity of the Renaissance I facade system.
Inside hurricane shutters or inside storm panels are permitted, but must be professionally installed and the Renaissance I Association must approve in advance any storm shutter, panel, or related attachment system that will be installed on an interior wall or frame element adjacent to a window or doorway. Removable inside storm shutters or panels may not be stored in the common elements, limited common elements, or on balconies. Inside storm shutters or panels must show a neutral white color when placed over a window.
Window safety “hurricane” film may be installed on the inside of windows but must meet Renaissance window glass color and transparency standards: Window film must be totally clear, with no visible tint, color or reflective coating. It must not produce visible moiré patterns or change the appearance or the reflectivity of the window glass when viewed from the outside. Window film installations and materials must receive approval from the Renaissance I Association before work can begin.
With prior Association approval, removable hurricane shutters may be installed on the outside of balcony windows provided that they are only attached to the existing outside metal framework of balcony windows and doors, and that no attachment or element pierces or touches the exterior of the building wall system, stucco or finished surface, decorative lintels or frames or any other outside decorative or structural building façade element. All screw and attachment points must be installed in the existing metal window frame and all attachments must be permanently gasketed, sealed and caulked to prevent the entry of water under all storm and wind stress conditions. Existing window or balcony caulking must not be disturbed during shutter hardware installation. Drilling or screwing into the concrete floors or ceilings, or exterior wall surfaces is absolutely prohibited.
Shutter material must be clear, impact-resistant, non-yellowing, shatterproof and transparent (Lexan XL-10 or certified equivalent). Shutter systems may not have reel mechanisms, roll-up boxes, through-wall cranks, locks, bolts, lag screws, or similar mechanical attachments; there may be no visible or concealed storage bays, extended sliders, tracks or other wall, ceiling or surface-mounted elements. Mounting flanges for the shutter system must be powder coated or anodized white metal that matches the color of the existing door or window metal frame elements and there must be a positive mechanical method of rigidly securing each individual panel so that it cannot be dislodged or broken free by storm-condition winds. All shutters must meet the current Florida building and hurricane codes. Removable storm shutter components, panels or hardware may not be stored in the common elements, the limited common elements, or on balconies or patios. In electing to install shutters or storm panels, apartment owners acknowledge that they are responsible for:
All repairs to the building common elements and consequential damages that might be caused by the shutter system;
Wind-borne failed or destroyed shutter elements that might cause damage to other property or persons;
Water intrusion into the building caused, or facilitated by, the installation of shutters, the mounting system or related hardware.
All work associated with the installation of window film, hurricane shutters or storm panels must be in accordance with all provisions of the Renaissance I Home Improvement Rules. The unit owner must provide a copy of the Contractor Guidelines document to any contractor who provides an estimate or who performs any work in the Renaissance I building. The Contractors must sign in and out each day at the Renaissance I Reception Desk. Like any home improvement project requiring the assistance of a professional, installation of storm shutters must be approved by the architectural review committee. Click here to obtain a small in unit job packet.
Yes. Renaissance construction and remodeling guidelines specify that sound reducing materials must be installed under solid flooring materials and meet a STC rating of no less than 72.
FYI, windows are double-glazed, which reduces the noise from adjacent streets and roadways and entry doors have a sweep at the bottom and flexible material on the sides and top to keep out hallway noise.
If you hear music or TV after 10 P.M. or before 8 A.M. report the problem to the front desk. Sound travels, especially in the quiet hours. Voices, entertainment appliances and moving furniture can be heard clearly by your neighbors. Please be considerate of others. Make sure that stereo speakers or televisions are not touching any walls and try to locate them as far away from a party wall as possible. Locate subwoofers away from a party wall and respect the rules regarding evening quiet times. If floor mounted speakers are placed on uncarpeted floors it is important that sound-attenuating isolation pads be used.
If you hear chronic pet noises (unabated barking, etc.), you should notify the front desk or the Community Manager.
If your toilet makes periodic sounds indicating that the tank is being refilled with water even though it wasn’t recently flushed, your toilet probably has a leaking flapper valve that allows water from the filled tank to slowly leak into the bowl. After a while the tank empties enough to trigger an automatic refill and that’s what you are hearing. Hire a plumber to repair the toilet. A water leak like that can waste up to 200 gallons of water a day. Please immediately repair all leaks.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ipsum justo, commodo venenatis tellus lacinia dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
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