Emergency Preparedness
Storm and Hurricane Information
If a hurricane or other violent storm is predicted, stay tuned to local media for up-to-date information. Follow the directions given by local officials about evacuation. When a hurricane threatens, hope for the best and prepare for the worst! Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a storm: Remove everything from your balcony. Everything outside in high winds has the potential of becoming a danger to life and property. Association staff will be unable to move the items from your balcony for you because they will be very busy with all the tasks involved in securing the building before the disaster. If items are left on your balcony, the Association will hire, at the owner’s expense, a third party vendor to remove those items and the owner will be assessed all costs. The Association will bare no responsibility for any damages to your property should it be necessary to hire someone to remove items from your balcony. Please be aware that services like this performed during a storm warning come at a high premium. Stock up on water, non-perishable food, prescriptions, first aid kit, and cash. Basically anything and everything you’ll need to survive in the days after the storm when electricity will be out and finding supplies will be a challenge. It’s recommended that you have enough food and potable water to last 72 hours. Choose an interior room in your home that can serve as your safe room. Have a battery-powered radio, flashlights and battery powered lights ready. Make sure the storm has passed before you go outside and it’s not the eye of the hurricane. Keep in mind that after the storm can be the most stressful part of a hurricane. Sarasota County Disaster Planning Guide can be found- here. Be safe, be patient and help your neighbors. Local storm shelters are listed here – storm shelters. If you feel you’ll need special assistance from county rescue officials moving to a safe place during a disaster, please complete this form and return it to the address at the top of the first page – assistance form.